Arab Potash Company 2023 Sustainability Report
Arab Potash Company (APC) is the eighth largest potash producer worldwide by volume of production and the sole producer of potash in the Arab World.
Net Consolidated Profits JOD (293) Million for the year of 2023
Production Volume (2.780) Million tons of potash, in the year 2023.
308 Million JOD in Net Operating Profits in 2023, The Third highest operating profits in the Company's history.
APC inaugural sustainability report, covering the company’s economic, environmental, and social performance
Arab Potash Company (APC) is the eighth largest potash producer worldwide by volume of production and the sole producer of potash in the Arab World
APC Market Report
Arab Potash Company’s Agricultural Activities in Africa
البوتاس العربية تُصــــــــدّر أكبر شحنة بوتاس إلى أوروبا في تاريخها
Arab Potash Company Reaches Historic Milestone with Largest-Ever Shipment to Europe
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