Esteemed Stakeholders,
On behalf of everyone at the Arab Potash Company (APC), I welcome you to our official company website. I trust that you will find your visit on this website worthwhile and pleasant.
Jordan has made prodigious economic and social strides in the past decades, building up its presence as an investment destination with numerous relative competitive advantages, particularly in the mining industry. From its humble beginning in 1956 when the company was established, APC has emerged as an important fertilizer manufacturer, leading at the forefront of the mining and manufacturing industry and playing a pivotal role in the Kingdom’s economic landscape.
Today, despite the circumstances facing a world unhinged by the Coronavirus Pandemic, APC continues to push steadfastly on the path of success onto the future. Aiming at enhancing global competitiveness and boosting returns to realize greater value for our shareholders, we are moving forward towards inclusive economic development, solidifying our global presence and penetrating new markets.
Strategically positioned as a major fertilizer manufacturer and supplier in the global marketplace, APC capitalizes on Jordan’s strategic advantages, improving production efficiency, increasing value-added contributions, and amplifying production capacity.
Strengthening APC’s business resilience, we focus on key capabilities: diversifying our product and market shares, introducing new agile business models, and expanding current market shares. Under the inspiring and insightful leadership of our Board of Directors, we pursue our efforts to create a continuing growth trajectory and boost profitability in parallel with the company’s social responsibility efforts. The safety, sustainability and development of our work environment and local communities, remain APC’s most pressing concern.

Building on our successes, multiple projects and initiatives have been outlined to accelerate the realization of APC’s strategic priorities towards ascending to a solid level in the fertilizers industry. Looking back over the past years, APC’s achievements have been significant to say the least. The company’s recent successes, across the board, were essential to our ability today to embark on this ambitious and realizable journey towards a brighter future, not only for APC, but also for the entire nation.
As a major contributor to the economy of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, we at APC are proud to continue witnessing the country’s interests thrive and prosper all around the world. I would like to first extend my sincere gratitude to the President and Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Dr. Maen Nsour and the executive team for their outstanding work and thoughtful leadership.
I would also like to extend heartfelt thanks to every member of our managerial team, without their significant contributions, none of this would have been possible. Last but not least, APC’s employees, our most valuable asset; thanks to all for setting an extraordinary example for hard work, determination and overall excellent performance. Their input has proven invaluable to APC and to Jordan’s competitiveness in the mining industry and in the management of its resources.
At APC, we pride ourselves on our commitment to the highest international standards and practices when it comes to our operations and product quality. Building upon the progress and achievements APC has made thus far, we firmly and surely continue to navigate the global market, solidify our position, optimize our operations and make significant strides towards the future that we aspire for our beloved Jordan.
Hand in hand, guided by His Majesty’s King Abdullah II vision and APC’s vision, we march with confidence towards achieving our ambitions and strategic goals of an even more prosperous future.