Reem Ali Abdullah Al Sughayer
Representative of Kuwait Investments Authority
Advocate Al Sughayer was appointed as a legal advisor at Kuwait Investments Authority in August 2003, bringing with her more than (15) years of experience in a variety of legal fields, litigation procedures, and attending various courts through her work at a number of noticeable and reputable law firms in Kuwait. Advocate Al Sughayer also worked as a judicial liquidator during the period from 2008 to 2013 by Kuwait Investments Authority
As a lawyer, Advocate Al Sughayer attended and participated in many training courses during her career bath, which influenced her profession, including; Modern strategies in preparing, drafting and implementing contracts, litigation procedures, instituting lawsuits, requesting rights and implementing judgments, the art of drafting legal notes, regulations and meeting minutes, the art of defense in cases, and Strategies Role of the legal researcher in the modern organization.
Advocate Al Sughayer published a number of articles and research in the legal field during the period from 1998 to 2003 which were published in a number of newspapers and journals, she also authored a number of novels during the period from 2018 to 2020 which were published by different publishing houses. Advocate Reem Al Sughayer holds a BA degree in Law from Kuwait University in 1998.